Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Wednesday in June

I'm not exactly a little kid anymore. I'm the youngest of five kids, but you know, I'm twenty one years old. Not sure exactly how I made it this far, but apparently I'm still alive, or at least that is what my heart is telling me, and I'm okay with listening to my heart on this one.

Initially, this was only going to be about girls that I found upsetting from a personal standpoint, but I realized that although that's where most frustration comes from, there's a lot of other people that deserve to be in here, people that the world wants to hear about so they will know to avoid those people in the future.

I also want to be able to just spit out some things that may or not be on my mind, past or present. And it's my blog, so I guess I can do that. I won't say anything offensive, but it might sound weird to read something you don't see every day.

I want to be with a black girl. Be in a relationship like I've never been in before. I'm not saying that it's likely to happen, but if it were to happen, I wouldn't try to stop it. I like girls with soul, and I'll be honest, white girls have souls, but not SOUL...

Also, what is up with my hair today? I just shampooed and conditioned with nothing special, and on the way to work, drove with my head out the window on the freeway, and it feels like epicly soft. I don't mean to brag, but you should all come check this out.

1 comment:

  1. lol apparently you've been hanging with the wrong kind of white girls.
