Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A hate blog is hard to do, man!

I origininally started this blog thinking I would be able to regularlly write about people that I have come across in my life that deserve to be called out.  I got the first one out just fine.  She deserved what I said, and probably more, but we'll see if i can't make up for it someday.  Since I hung out with her, I texted her a couple times more but have not talked with Rhianna since then.  No big deal.

In my own life, I've been kind of busy since then.

I started a new job auditing pensions at a place called United Retail Merchandisers.  It's not the most exciting job, but they pay me the same whether I like it or not, I just have to do the job well.  Apparently I'm doing something right, because they couldn't be any happier with my job performance.  I started on a week without a Monday, thanks to Memorial Day.  Did you thank anyone?  Monday through Thursday is business dress.  Most people feel content wearing khakis and polos... YUCK!

That kind of appearance will not work for me.  I wear good black pants with a white shirt and a nice tie.  I have to look like I'm serious business, but not to show off for anyone or anything like that, just for myself.  Some guy that works there got upset with me for dressing too nice, he said something about fighting for years to get rid of that dress code.  Is this the khaki and polo generation of the workplace?  I hope not.  I like comfort, but style comes first.

Anyway, there is casual Friday, which gave me a chance to dress with my typical street style.  I wore a pair of sweet jeans and v-neck, cause that's the modern style that helps me get by.  Finished it off with some new sneakers I probably shouldn't have bought.  That night I took the liberty of getting the new X-men movie.  I have to say I very well enjoyed it.  I think they did a wonderful job with it, but watching it on my laptop probably didn't do it justice.  

Saturday was a great day.  I woke up and went back to sleep.  Got up again at eleven and enjoyed the benefits of free wifi again.  Afterwards I went to a church activity playing Super Smash Brothers with a bunch of friends, followed by a session of BS'n with a few cool duders.  I realized at that point that I needed some gasoline, so I went to the gas station and refueled.  Following that, I returned to my apartment (did I mention I moved), got changed and went to a baptism, and it went pretty well.

Once I had returned home from that, I trimmed my beard a little bit and did some stuff to my hair to get ready to hang out with the lovely miss Wendy Nollette.  She's a very cool girl.  We went downtown and saw some art festival with energetic, live music.  It was really fun to be in that place with her, but that wasn't even the best part of the night.  After that we went back to Wendy's place and ended up just watching music videos on Comcast and talking for a few hours.  She's pretty amazing, and I look forward to hanging out with her again, really soon.

That's about all for now I think.  But if I think of anything else, don't worry, The Only One Says A Lot Of Things!

1 comment:

  1. I'm down with calling people out on their crap as well. I've used my own blog for the very same purposes from time to time. Although what I wrote was more out of frustration at what was lacking for me rather than what I "hated" about other people's actions/mentalities, which I couldn't/can't control.
